Keep Your Dollars Close to Home!

Photo courtesy of Walpole Valley Farms
Photo courtesy of Walpole Valley Farms

You may have seen a version of this sentiment recently on the internet:


 “When you shop local, you are not helping a CEO buy a third home.  You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, or a little boy buy a team jersey.  You are helping mom and dad put food on the table.” 


 We’re not sure who said it first, but this message resonates with us.  And, while we have no particular issue with third homes, the concept of keeping your dollars closer to the home you have here is a large part of why we are working so hard to build a co-op in our area.  The Great River Co-op will be a hub that supports local farmers and producers first, with a commitment to doing our best to source local products.  Money spent at the Co-op will stay in our community.


We’ve recently updated our market study, and it continues to support the plans for our Route 12 location next to Pinnacle View in Walpole.


The next critical step before moving forward with plans and construction is to increase our member-owners to 1000.  This is our goal by the end of the year to prove to lenders that we will have a base of shoppers when the doors open.  We are currently just over halfway there, and we need your help!


Here’s how you can help make it happen!   

  • Already a Member-Owner?  Consider purchasing additional shares to become a voting Member-Owner, or give a membership as a gift. 
  • Represent the co-op at an upcoming local event
  • Join a committee (currently seeking help with the events committee - it's fun, really it is)
  • Join the Board
  • Like us on Facebook and please SHARE the posts.  It really does help spread the word! 
  • Display a Great River Co-op Poster or Brochure in your work space
  • Contact us at to see how you can be part of something Great!   

It's your store. If you believe in shopping local and supporting your neighbors, please help us spread the word. 


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